cfda 2025-01-24
- remove complex part from alpha
cfda 2024-11-20
- add function to reconstruct indicators using encoding
- use ML estimator of covariance (/n instead of n-1)
- take real part when there are complex values
- add timeValues parameter to estimate_pt
- plotData can plot 1 individual
- Some functions accept tibble
- add a missing progressbar
- remove deprecated aes_string
cfda 2023-10-07
- New computation method for U and V matrices
cfda 2022-08-16
- fix cut_data when state column is a factor
- fix bug in plotData when id's are unevenly spaced integers
- fix bug in plotData error when there are some individuals with only one element
- fix bug in completeStatetable when the 2 last rows (or more) are missing
- fix bug in estimate_Markov: no matching size between lambda and P when there is some missing rows in P
cfda 2022-07-19
- add function to convert quantitative functional to categorial
- add new parameters for cut_data: prolongLastState, NAstate
- fix id order in plotData
- add flours dataset
cfda 2022-03-07
- fix bug when ids are not in alphabetical order #16
- add warning when an individual has duplicated time values
- correct statetable doc
- fix disappeared progress bars
- predict manages NULL as newdata
cfda 2021-12-07
cfda 2021-12-06
- add ggplot2 in depends
- add citation
- fix default values in generate_Markov
- run styler
cfda 2021-02-12